
Are You Eligible For Free Places?

Free childcare for 3 and 4 year olds

All three and four year olds in Luton are entitles to up to 15 hours of free early learning and childcare per week, over a minimum of 38 weeks of the year.

When can my child get a free place?

Your child can get a free place from the term after their third birthday.

Free places for 2 year olds

(Depends on the family’s economic/financial circumstances)

Is Your Child Two?

Your two year old could get 15 hours a week of free childcare, from the term after they turn two, if you receive any of these benefits:

Or Your Child:

If the child is eligible, the parent can start claiming free early education after the child turns two. The date will depend on when the child’s birthday is, for when the parent can claim.

Child’s birthdayWhen the parent can claim
1 January to 31 MarchThe beginning of term on or after 1 April
1 April to 31 AugustThe beginning of term on or after 1 September
1 September to 31 DecemberThe beginning of term on or after 1 September

How Do I Apply?

It’s easy! We do it all for you. We will fill in the form for you (or with you, if you prefer) in order to apply for funding for spaces at Little Stars Pre-school.

Please call Taryn on 01582 519506 and/or 01582 519500.

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