Health & Wellbeing Social Club and Advice Project

Group Days Times
Female Only Monday & Wednesday 11:00am 2:00pm
Male Only Tuesday 11:00pm – 2:00pm

Health & Wellbeing Social Club and Advice Project

CYCD Health & Wellbeing Club (Age: 50+) offers free exercise, opportunity to socialise, Mental Health Workshops & Befriending Support, Issue Based Workshops, Centre-Based Gardening, Bangla, Urdu & Indian TV, Health  MOT. Welfare Advice Session and various awareness sessions for Bangladeshi and Pakistani Older People. This project also provides light physical fitness session delivered by the qualified fitness trainer.

We also provide Welfare Benefit advice and assist by Luton Rights, which included Housing & Council Tax Benefit, PIP, Attendance Allowance, Universal Credit, Child Benefit etc every Thursday (10.00am-1.00pm), term time only.

Get In Touch For More Information

For more information please contact Fazilat Ali Khan.

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